About Kristine Blanche, PA, PhD
Kristine Blanche, PA-C, PhD
“It's All About Balance”; that is the perspective of Dr. Kristine Blanche whose passion and dedication is about bringing a strong focus to the prevention of disease to her clients. She recalls that “…as far back as I can remember, I knew I was meant to heal.” In her work as the founder of the Integrative Healing Center & Spa she strives toward her goal of being in service her patients. And she is that kind of practitioner who delivers exactly what she sets out to do. The beauty of her persona can be seen in her language when she admits that… As anyone in the healthcare world knows, when the person you love appears on the other end of the stethoscope the world shakes. She is grounded in healthcare delivery that reflects her sensitivity and sensibilities to each person’s well-being; she is dedicated to the listening and attention required to determine exactly how to help each individual.
With an extraordinary background in both allopathic and holistic medicine and having served as an extraordinarily well-trained Physician Assistant (PA) for almost two decades, Kristine chose the path of engaging in research-based practice. Consequently, she completed a medical degree & PhD in which her research focused on thermography, and breast health (focused on the significance of vitamin D and iodine deficiencies effecting breast health). She has become expert in thermography and has proved highly successful in treating a broad variety of illness based on her insights in this field. Having practiced conventional medicine in the areas of Emergency Medicine, Surgery, and Critical Care in prestigious medical Centers; George Washington University & North Well Health Center prior to her work in the functional medicine field has given her an extraordinary advantage in use of integrative medical model. Her ability as a teacher, and her superb communication skills, make her practice one of a kind.
Kristine’s workshops and Functional Medicine programs are both highly informative and insightful. Simultaneously, they are packed with knowledge, insights, and solutions to specific issues. Her pleasant persona and highly effective communication skills support her friendly way of interacting, and time spent with her is enjoyable and fulfilling. Her belief, that we each have the innate right to experience the healing power of our own spirit and body . . . and to experience the healer within establishes her authenticity as a guide as well partner.
Kristine’s healing work is a gift and each person who is touched by her positive energy and artistry is blessed. Dr. Blanche is a consistent force in the world of holistic healing, and her unique contribution to holistic modalities continues to change the face of medicine.

My Story
“As far back as I can remember, I knew I was meant to heal”.
Her journey toward her goal has been guided by many experiences. Every dream usually begins with a story, and this is her story.
In late 2004, after extensive training and many years experience in the healthcare field her role as a healer took a sharp turn, as her grandfather approached the end of his life, her 32 year-old sister-in-law, Lori, was diagnosed with stage 2B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and colon cancer reared its ugly head in her father’s life. Kristine became a caretaker for those she loved most in this world. As anyone in the healthcare world knows when the person you love appears on the other end of the stethoscope the world shakes. It is usually real life experiences that teach us the most profound lessons and this was that moment. She describes it as the day her two worlds collided. Kristine had always lived a very holistic life, but practiced very conventional medicine. The collision was catastrophic and resulted in profound loss, which caused her to fall far into a dark night of her soul from which there, was an awakening. This moment sparked a fire within her soul. Out of tremendous pain and sorrow there was a glimmer of light and a vision was born. Kristine Blanche, wife, mother, daughter, sister , and healer, stands the proud owner of one of the most comprehensive holistic health centers on Long Island.

Preventative Care
Digestive Wellness
Food Allergies & intolerance
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Diet and Detoxification
Elimination diets
IV Vitamin Drips