The Man Up Detox Includes (30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE):
Detox Manual
Delicious Detox Shake
Dr. Blanche Customized Detox Medpax Daily Supplements from Xymogen
Access to the private membership site featuring:
Pre-cleanse video to educate you on the goals on the Man Up Detox
Daily motivational e-mails & guidance to guarantee you will stay motivated, stay committed and finish a better man
Green Smoothie Video (with easy to follow recipes)
Learn from Kristine in her educational detox videos
Stress relief modules that work and are easy to use in your daily busy life
Detox power points to explain how your body is fixing itself in 21 days
Many other surprise bonuses that leave you empowered to take back your body, your health, and make you feel better than you’ve ever felt!